Sipho Mabona
Title: Peaceful Koi
Media: Paper
Dimensions: 16’x11’x1’
Date: January 2009
Brief Bio: According to the biography found on his web site, at the age of 5
Mabona folded his first paper airplane. By the age of 20, the Swiss native had
mastered the art of plane folding and taught himself origami. Over a course of
8 years, Mabona evolved into the well known origami master he is today. Since
2008, Mabona has been featured in over 50 exhibits, magazines, and even an
award winning Asics corporate movie “Origami in the Pursuit of Perfection”.
Artists/Critique statement: According to an interview
captured in the video “Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami”,
Mabona gives a metaphor for life through his origami ventures, “When you come
into the world, you are not a finished article. You have to find your own way,
to develop and work on yourself”. –Sipho Mabona
Background on work presented: In an interview by, a typographic desk reference site, Mobana states this particular
Koi installation took about 3 months to make. Each Koi is folded from a single
sheet of paper. Mabona says also in the interview that the folding is the easy
part and each koi only takes an hour or 2 to make. However, it’s the design and
placement that takes up the majority of his time.
How it connects to the theme and why you chose the work: Origami is a major category in the paper craft realm. I chose this installation for its color and motion that make the air into a stream or pond that one might find in a garden.
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